Guide to Progressive Lenses
As we grow over 40 years of age, our eyes' ability to focus on objects closer to us is getting weaker .Nature gave us a lens inside our eye which usually does this job efficiently. This lens has a “plus” power of upto +3.00.Gradually, we need to keep assisting our lens for the “lost power”.Initially, you might feel this loss only for near objects like using a mobile phone. Or reading the newspaper.
As the power for near vision keeps increasing with age, you might require different powers for three different kinds of work- distance, intermediate ( computers and maps , for example) and near for mobiles and reading fine print.
A simple solution is to use separate glasses for each requirement and to keep switching between the them.But most of us find that difficult to do . The options then are choosing between separate glasses, Bifocal glasses or Progressive Glasses.
Separate Glasses
The whole area of the lens is available for one power - either distance , intermediate or near.
The good thing about this is you get a lot of area to view from since the 100% lens area is dedicated to one task.
The challenge is switching between glasses. And carrying multiple pairs with you all the time.
Bifocal Glasses
In this case, you get clearly demarcated areas between distance and near or, you could have it customised as intermediate ( for desktop computers and near work).
It does eliminate the need of carrying two pairs, and is a good option if you do not require a third zone for intermediate - like using a digital device like a desktop computer.
Modern bifocals also do not have a visible line unlike the traditional bifocals.
Progressive Glasses
These are ideal if you want to do it all in one pair. Distance, intermediate and near all in one.
You do not have tell tale lines, you do not have to carry multiple pairs.
The only catch is the lens does not have a very wide side-to-side viewing area like the separate glasses or even bifocals. Which means , to see clearly you have to keep turning your head from side to side in a Conventional Progressive lens.
So how do we over come that problem?
Digital or Custom made progressive lenses. Read on to find out more about them.
These lenses are made by making blocks or layers of numbers being fused into one lens.
It uses a classic method of making numbers, which does give you all the zones for viewing but all slightly narrowed down .
The area of viewing without moving your neck from side to side is a little narrow
In a digital progressive lens, the numbers are made using a software and hardware combination where an algorithm decides what number can be made in what part of the lens.
This helps create more useful areas of vision.
Depending on the version of the software being applied to the lens, you can get varying areas of vision, though in general , all these lenses will be better in viewing terms than conventional lenses.
Today, this is the most common form of progressives and with all companies using this technology , it can be a daunting task to choose which progressive lens is best for you.
Customised lenses are the most advanced form of Digital lenses . In these advanced lenses, the software can take into account not just your power, but your frame shape, the curve of the frame, how it sits on your face and a whole lot of other parameters to give you the most natural form of viewing .
You can even customise these lenses to give you more of one portion than the other, or even do away with one portion .
A good optician can provide you with the most personalised progressive lenses which can make your day to day tasks so much easier
The Key Ingredient for a comfortable Vision
Viewing Area - 130 degrees
or 70% of lens area
Level 2
Viewing Area- 145 degrees
or 80% of lens area
Level 3
Viewing area - 160 degree
or 90 % of lens area
Mrs. Roy - Socialite , Homemaker and Artist
“My life on a daily based totally depends on how clearly I see , how i interact with people. I am an artist, I visit galleries , mix around a lot with people and love cooking as well"
We selected a digital progressive from Zylux for her considering her needs were of an all around performer rather than any one focused task. She can now carry her pair anywhere she wants, and with a stylish Jimmy Choo frame, she gets the best of both worlds- fashion and clear vision.
Deven Paul, CEO, Pool Shark
"My two young labs absolutely love this toy. They are rough on toys, so we have to work with them on not trying to destroy a toy the moment it is given to them.
This "flying squirrel" immediately became and continues to be a high value toy, so it is put up and out of the way when not being played with. Lightweight and flexible, but even so, the toy is really durable.”
Deven Paul, CEO-IT Sector, Pool Player
"Most of my day goes into working on my laptop and checking messages on my phone. I like to unwind in the evening with a game of pool in my basement"
The ideal lens for Deven was a Customised Office Lens- a form of progressive lens which gives him very wide areas for intermediate zone usage - both for his laptop and pool table. With a SmartLife lens from Zeiss, his crystal clear vision helps him grow his company and win pool games both with aplomb.